New Year's Resolutions for the Medical Cannabis Movement

This is an image of a sticky note with fireworks in the background. The background contains the text: \2017 is here! It is a new year and a new chance to make great things happen. The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to think about new goals and how to achieve them. Here at ASA, our priority has always been and will continue to be ensuring safe and legal access to medical cannabis. Our New Year’s resolution is to work harder than ever before to make this happen.

 Please consider adding one or all of these to your New Year's resolution list!


1. Get More Active
Want to know more about how you can help? The first step is to get more active in the community. By signing up for ASA alerts you will stay updated on all the latest medical cannabis policies, therapies, and research. Knowing what is happening at the state, federal, and international level will help you figure out how best you can help the cause.

2. Get Involved
There is no better feeling than volunteering for a cause that matters to you. Whether you are interested in helping out at a conference or working at a deeper level to effect policy change, we can help you find opportunities for ways to get involved. From bringing materials to conferences, designing a graphic, or starting an ASA chapter of your own, there are no boundaries to the possibilities you could offer by volunteering.

3. Give Back
We know that the start of a new year can be a busy time. If you do not have time to offer, there are other ways you can support medical cannabis. The easiest way to help is through a donation. As a non-profit organization, your donations are essential in keeping us moving forward. We would be unable to continue our mission without supporters like you. If you want to know more about what we have been able to accomplish through help from our donors, check out our 2016 accomplishments page.

4. Be Better Informed about Cannabis
We make it easy to be well informed in all areas of medical cannabis. Whether you are a politician, patient, caregiver, medical professional, cultivator, distributor, manufacturer, or laboratory technician, ASA has ways for you to learn more about medical cannabis. Sign up for a PFC training, purchase a Learner’s Guide, or check out our latest new program Cannabis Care Certification.

5. Join ASA
For as little as $35 a year, you can be a part of the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. Sign up here!


Start getting involved right now by signing on to our petition! Did you know that it is illegal for federal agencies to distribute false information? Well it is, and the DEA has been doing just that with information regarding medical cannabis. So, ASA filed a petition with the Department of Justice (DOJ) demanding that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) immediately update misinformation about cannabis. You can make a big difference by taking one minute out of your day to make the #DEATellTheThruth about cannabis. Sign today!


The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to make a changes that will improve the world around us. We hope that you will join us in making this year’s goal to fight harder than ever to ensure safe and legal access to medical cannabis to ALL that need it.  Happy New Year!