Make Sure Jeff Sessions Respects Patients

A new President is about to take office, and we need to make sure we continue to move forward, not backward, on medical cannabis reform, in this administration.  

On Tuesday, January 10, 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin holding confirmation hearings on whether Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will become the next U.S. Attorney General.  Senator Sessions has been outspoken about his feelings regarding medical cannabis:

“I thank you for you and some of your officials in DEA for speaking out and telling the truth about the dangers of marijuana. This is not a non-dangerous drug. And I've got to tell you in terms of messaging, the president's statement -- to me, I spent 12 years working with grassroots citizens’ groups to change the approach to drugs and the climate of drugs and to make it hostile climate for drugs and explain the dangers of drug use.”- Jeff Sessions comments to then-DEA Administrator Michelle Leonhart at Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, April 30, 2014

If confirmed, Senator Sessions could pose a real threat to the more than 2 million American patients who rely upon state medical cannabis programs.

So we are asking that you take a moment  to tweet the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee Senators on January 10th and 11th  We have generated 2 different tweets to send to the Judiciary Committee Members who will be questioning Sessions, one is about respecting patients and the state medical cannabis programs they rely on; and the second is about basing his medical cannabis policy on science rather than disproven information.  

All you have to do is click any or all of the links below to tweet the members the Senate Judiciary Committee. Once you click on one of the links below, you will be able to view the tweet before clicking the Tweet button to post it to Twitter. If you have time to send both tweets to all the members of the Judiciary Committee, great! If you only have a time to send to one or two senators, that is helpful, too.

Tweet 1

@SenatorSessions will your medical cannabis policy be guided by science or disproven statements? @(Senator’s Handle Here) #RespectPatientAccess

Tweet 2

@SenatorSessions will you respect state medical cannabis laws and the patients who rely on them? @ChuckGrassley #RespectPatientAccess


If you haven’t signed our petition, asking President Obama to tell the DEA to tell the truth about cannabis, please do so here: